Privacy Policy


Our e-commerce virtual page stores and protects personal information during the time the visitor or registered person spends on our site. Only the data owner and his/her representative, if any, are responsible for personal data. Personal or business information, identity, contact, user name, address, password, etc. In accordance with the relevant articles of the Personal Data Protection Law, the personal and/or legal entity information of the data owner within the platform is not provided to the service of third parties, generalized or used for purposes other than the purpose. The personal and/or company information of the data owner and the new data obtained by using this data are not disclosed, published, given to third parties even within the scope of the service, or made available, except for the purpose of this platform, except for the service on this site. Platform management will be able to ensure the security of the personal data of the real data owner, to detect misuse, to remove them, and to receive technical support from outside when necessary. The site management reserves the personal data throughout the processing period, unless there is a written request of the data owner. In the event of a dispute, personal data remains confidential until the dispute is resolved. If the site administrator doubts the accuracy of personal information, he has the right to delete this information and / or notify the relevant authorities without any warning. No rights can be claimed on deleted information. In case of data threatening security, the site security unit undertakes to take technical and administrative measures and to carry out the necessary audits at certain time intervals. Even if it is for informational purposes only, if they direct links to other sites on the platform, no responsibility is assumed for the contents of these sites. Rights of data owners pursuant to article 11 of the same law: ARTICLE 11- (1) Everyone, by applying to the data controller;

a) Learning whether personal data is processed or not,

b) If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

c) Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose, ç) To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred in the country or abroad,

d) Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing, e) Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7,

f) Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, g) Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, ğ) To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data, has rights.

REGISTRATION FILES Like many web servers, also keeps log files for statistical purposes. In these files; It contains information such as the IP address of your line, your internet service provider, your browser's features, your operating system, and your login and exit pages. Log files are never used for statistical purposes and do not violate your privacy. The IP address of your line and other information are not associated with your personal information.


Some platform-independent browsers record usage and user-related information in the cookie section. If you do not want to register usage information, you can make settings in the cookie section of the browser and delete cookies. If the use of cookies is not preferred, it can be blocked from the browser's settings or by adding cookie blockers to the web browser. Attention sometimes cookies may be necessary for the entire content of the page visited. The use of cookies on this platform is deemed to be accepted unless the cookie settings are changed or blocked from the web browser. Cookies are link files that load the link of the visited web page to the cookie store in the browser, accelerating the connection when visiting the same web page when necessary.

OFF-SITE LINKS Our virtual site can be linked to off-site web addresses through the platform. Our site is not responsible for the content or applications of the linked sites, and cannot be held responsible. The linking process mentioned here is legally considered as "referencing", "information".


All the services provided in our virtual store and the registered trademark BÜRONUJR registered at Kağıthane Cad No: 47, KAĞITHANE/İSTANBUL domain b belong to company and are operated by our company. Our virtual store may collect personal data for various purposes. How and in what way the collected personal data is collected, how and how this data is protected is stated below. Due to the nature of the business, our virtual store collects some personal information of the members (such as name, surname, company information, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) by filling out the electronic forms on our membership or virtual store. If an optional e-mail is registered via the newsletter (newsletter) in the virtual store, picture information and price offers about new products are sent to the registered e-mail addresses. After logging in, members can change this selection in the account information section or make a notification with the link in the information message they receive. During the approval process via the platform or by e-mail, personal information transmitted to our store electronically by our members will not be disclosed to third parties, except for the purposes and scope determined by the "User Agreement" we have made with our members. Modesy records the IP address of the visitor/registered in order to identify system-related problems and quickly resolve any problems or conflicts that may arise regarding the service provided. IP addresses may also be used to identify users in a general way and to collect comprehensive demographic information. It is not used on the platform except for the purposes and scope determined by the Membership Agreement. Personal information can also be used to communicate with the user when necessary. Customer information stored in the platform database is not used except for the purposes and scopes determined by the "Membership Agreement" (statistical evaluations, database creation and market research). Platform, to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it a confidentiality obligation, to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take all necessary measures and to take all necessary care to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party. commits to show


Your e-mail address, which you transmit to the E-Ticaret platform at the time of registration, remains in our system as long as you are registered with your personal information. E-mail and personal information are not given to third parties for any purpose, except for legal proceedings. Credit card, password and personal information should never be shared via e-mail regarding any order. Under no circumstances can we guarantee the security of the information transmitted to our system from your e-mail.


It is to ensure the safety of credit card holders who shop in our virtual store in the first place. Credit card information is not stored in our system in any way. Access to the web page is provided via http:// or https://. For secure access, it is provided with https://, ie 'hypertext transfer protocol secure' connection. This is a sign that it is a secure website and that the information flow is encrypted. The information of the credit cards used for payment during shopping is encrypted on our site with the support of the platform independent 128 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol and sent to the relevant bank. Payment is made after the credit card is approved by the relevant bank. Since no information is displayed or recorded with the credit card, third parties are also prevented from obtaining information about the credit card. As a platform, the reliability of payment/invoice/delivery address information of orders placed by credit card is audited by BÜRONUR against Credit Card Fraud. Therefore, the accuracy of financial and address/telephone information must first be confirmed in order for customers who place an order from our business site for the first time to reach the procurement and delivery stage. In order to control this information, if necessary, the customer who has the credit card or the relevant bank is contacted. All information given during registration can be accessed only by registered users and only registered users can change this data. If the registered login information is protected securely, it is not possible for others to access and change the registered information. For this purpose, it is acted within the 128-bit SSL security area during the registration process. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and then TLS (Transport Layer Seurity) protocols are used to establish authorized and encrypted connections of interconnected computers. Internet shopping sites with an information line or customer service and where full address and telephone information are specified are more preferred today. BÜRONUR may change the provisions of this "Privacy Policy" when it deems necessary, by updating it and posting it on its site or by sending an e-mail to users. The provisions of the Privacy Policy are repealed before the date of change, and the current one becomes effective on the date of publication.